Where tracking time is easy

The hours of projects, events, and meetings across multiple calendars calculated to make billing easy.

Trusted by freelancers across the globe


Calculate project time - fast

Have a comprehensive overview of the number of hours planned and executed on specific projects by tracking them across multiple calendars.

Smoothly integrated in my Google Calendar, TimeNavi allows me to track how many hours I spend on certain projects. It's the most easy and useful tool I found to do this.

Sònia López

Sònia López

Digital Consultant and Content Creator

Budgets and billing

Use your data to calculate the number of hours you planned to spend and then you actually spent on a project. Add hourly rates to activities and see exactly how much you earn.

This is a fantastic app. I love the forward and backward-looking stats. It gives me a real-time look at billable vs non-billable so I can adjust course mid-week.

Kai Scott

Kai Scott

President at TransFocus Consulting, Inc.

Export time data

Say goodbye to scrambling to prove the number of hours you spent on a client. Quickly export your time use into a Google Sheet with automatic timesheets created.

TimeNavi is exactly what I needed to track the time spent in different activities based on Google Calendar! It is very intuitive. The spreadsheets generated are perfect for visualizing and doing further calculations!

Werner Plaas

Werner Plaas

Freelancer and TimeNavi User

Try the Standard Plan for free

Calculate your invoices today in a fraction of the time. You can create rules to track the time you've spent on clients and export this data to excel in just a few clicks. Get your two week free trial now.


TimeNavi for Freelancers

Calculate invoices based on calendar events

Fully customisable time tracking functionality

Export calendar data to Excel and Sheets

Connect multiple calendars (Google and Outlook)

Collaborate with other members of your team