How to Expertly Track Time on Asana Projects

Chris Bird
By Chris Bird · Jan 08, 2024

Asana has become a staple in the realm of project management, allowing teams and individuals to orchestrate their workflows with grace and flexibility. Whether you're new to Asana or a seasoned pro, you may be seeking strategies to effectively track the hours invested in your projects, meet deadlines, and boost team productivity. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into how you can leverage time tracking within Asana for maximal operational efficiency.

Why Time Tracking in Asana is Essential

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of time-tracking techniques, it's crucial to understand the palpable benefits they bring to your Asana experience. Here's why time tracking isn't just a luxury—it's a necessity:

  • Boosts Productivity and Accountability: Time tracking helps team members focus on their current tasks, reducing multitasking and enhancing concentration. By making it clear how long each task takes, it fosters a culture of accountability. This not only improves individual performance but also sets a standard for time management within the team.
  • Improves Project Estimation: Access to historical data on task durations allows managers to accurately forecast future project timelines. This leads to more realistic deadline setting and better client expectations management. It's a crucial tool for balancing workloads and preventing project overruns.
  • Enhances Visibility and Transparency: Time tracking provides a clear overview of task progress, helping managers spot potential delays or bottlenecks early. It also offers clients transparent reporting on project stages, building trust and ensuring a shared understanding of project progress.
  • Streamlines the Billing Process: For projects where billing is based on time spent, accurate time tracking is essential. It ensures that every billable hour is recorded, facilitating a transparent and detailed invoicing process. This is especially important for maintaining financial accuracy and client trust.

Methods to Track Time in Asana

Time tracking in Asana can be implemented through integrated tools or browser extensions, each with its own set of features catering to various needs.

  • Asana's Built-In Time Tracking Limitations: Asana, known for its comprehensive task management capabilities, has traditionally not included built-in time tracking features. This has led users to seek external solutions to integrate time tracking into their Asana experience.
  • Embracing Third-Party Extensions and Integrations: To fill this gap, numerous time tracking applications, such as Toggl, Harvest, and TimeNavi, have developed integrations specifically for Asana. These tools allow users to start and manage timers directly within Asana tasks. They enable the categorization of tasks and the addition of timestamps, all without the need to navigate away from the Asana interface. This integration streamlines workflows, ensuring efficient time management while maintaining the organizational strengths of Asana.

How to Integrate Time Tracking Software with Asana

To knit time tracking into Asana's fabric effectively, follow these steps to integrate your chosen time tracking solution:

1. Choose a time tracking tool that aligns with your needs and offers Asana integration.

2. Create an account with the time tracking service and familiarize yourself with its main features.

3. Generally, the integration process will involve visiting your Asana settings, finding the 'Apps' section, and following the instructions provided by your time tracking solution.

4. Once integrated, you should find options to log time within Asana tasks, often indicated by a timer icon or a specific 'track time' button.

Tools for Effortless Time Tracking in Asana

There are numerous tools at your disposal for Asana time tracking. However, not all are created equal. Some of the more well-integrated and user-friendly options include:


TimeNavi presents itself as an intuitive addition to Asana project tracking. It doesn’t require laborious setup and gets straight to the crux of the matter - analyzing and optimizing your team's time directly within the Asana interface.


When you merge the organizational prowess of Asana with the precision of time tracking, the outcome is nothing short of transformative for your operational flow. Teams become more cognizant of their time, projects are estimated more effectively, and billing becomes a breeze.

Taking the time to implement proper time tracking in Asana can lead to heightened efficiency, improved transparency, and significant cost savings. Embrace the perspective that each second counts and make the leap towards integrating time tracking into your Asana today. Experiment, find the best tool for your unique needs, and craft a system that empowers your team to soar to greater heights in productivity and project excellence.

Want to see how TimeNavi can revolutionize your Asana time tracking? Take the leap now and explore the possibilities at